Bolton Hope For Change - Home page
A Better Way To Give
Drop your coins into the collection boxes to help local vulnerable people.
Many people who experience rough sleeping struggle to access the support services they need
Put your spare coins into the Hope for Change collection boxes and you’ll make a real difference for people without encouraging them to beg.
You’ll find the collections boxes in shops and businesses around Bolton town centre. Look for them on counters and where you see the Hope for Change logo in windows.
Most people who beg on the streets are not homeless, but they are likely to be facing complicated issues that can lead to begging.
When you donate to Hope for Change, your money goes directly to the charities and organisations that provide frontline services in Bolton for people facing these issues.
Giving money to people begging on the streets often doesn’t address these issues or help people get away from sleeping rough.
Hope for Change is a group of charities and agencies in Bolton that provide support for local vulnerable people.
Your donations are used to support people to make lasting changes to their way of life for the better.
We provide a wide range of long-term support for their needs and target the real reasons they are begging in our town centre.
As organisations that support vulnerable people in Bolton day in and day out, we are very aware of their individual circumstances.
Most people who beg do have somewhere to live. But we know that many have personal difficulties such as:
- Addiction
- Involvement in criminal activity
- Mental health problems
- Abuse, violence and exploitation
Your donations are held by a steering group that decides where the money is best spent to make a real difference. This steering group is independent of Bolton Council and other statutory bodies.
We understand that the circumstances of people begging are difficult and that you want your donations to make a real difference.
Giving to Hope for Change is a better way to help.
Help change people's lives
The Bolton Family is an *Award Winning* group of public, private and voluntary organisations working together to make Bolton a strong, vibrant and prosperous place to live